Friday, February 13, 2009

Off to Rome

Well, full time Senator and part time "catholic theologian" Nancy Pelosi is trying to pass the stimulus bill through Congress so she doesn't miss her scheduled trip to Europe. She plans to meet with Pope Benedict during her trip. Hopefully the Holy Father will pass her a copy of the Catechism. This has been a source of acid reflux for me for quite some time now. So called "cafeteria catholics" like Senator Pelosi must be reigned in. I completely understand the Bishops' hesitancy to take the drastic step of refusing Holy Communion at the altar rail, to a point. It seems that we are now being inundated with so called "pro-choice" catholics in the Obama administration. It must stop! These straying "catholics" need two things from us all, prayer and guidance. The Bishops of these particular politicians need to have one on one sessions with them reiterating the teachings of the Church. As far as I know this has happened and for some of them, it has happened several times. By their very own obstinate actions these people have placed themselves outside of communion with the Church. In my humble opinion the next step is obvious and sad. Unity in the Church is not to be achieved by ignoring the problem. By failing to confront this problem the Bishops are allowing scandal in the Church. Pray! Pray! Pray!