Monday, March 23, 2009

Shame of Notre Dame!

(Courtesy of Notre Dame

Today is a dark day for the University of Notre Dame. It was just announced that the commencement speaker at this year's graduation will be none other than President Barack Obama. The call of the Holy Father for Catholic Institutions and Universities to speak the message of Christ to the world has fallen on deaf ears at this "once great" Catholic Institution of Higher Learning. This President has shown nothing short of utter disdain for the dignity of human beings. He has gone out of his way to promote the destruction of human life at every possible opportunity. Notre Dame is now condoning this despicable behavior by celebrating this man. He will be given an Honorary Law Degree at the commencement. Apparently it is not a doctorate of moral law! He could use a few lessons in that! My main beef here is with the leaders of Notre Dame University. You make my skin crawl! As a Catholic Institution you are called on to be a light of Christ to the world. If you think you are being this light then I suggest you take a few minutes and grab a copy of the Cathechism of the Catholic Church!

Another point in all this is that Notre Dame is being used by the President to subvert Catholic Teachings in this country. I do not think I am out of bounds when I say that I see a personal agenda against the Catholic Church in the policies of this administration. President Obama receives invitations from hundreds of universities each spring. Why did he choose to accept Notre Dame's invitation? While I can't read Obama's mind I can't help but see a pattern of false "catechising" of Catholics in this country. He seems to go out of his way to pick pro-abortion "catholics" for key places in his government. He institutes diabolical policies that will assure the deaths of millions more innocent children in this country. He has removed bans on U.S. tax dollars funding abortion around the world. Perhaps his goal is to make abortion our nation's number one export. Notre Dame is being used to promote this agenda! Think I'm being paranoid? You better wake up America! Societies throughout history that have practiced human sacrifice have been wiped off the face of the earth! Embryonic stem cell research is the modern era's human sacrifice! America's days are numbered and we have done it to ourselves. Don't sit on your hands and let this evil go unchallenged. Speak up! Let the University of Notre Dame know that enough is enough! Please check out this link to sign a petition to let the President of
Notre Dame know how you feel!

For some great commentary on this check out The Catholic Thing and National Review.