Thursday, April 16, 2009

Georgetown Removes Jesus for Obama!

Take a look at the picture above. This is our President speaking at Georgetown University this week. Let's just forget about the fact that Georgetown claims to be a Catholic University and give them a pass on why they are allowing Obama to speak there for a second. When the White House staff was setting up the details of the speech with Georgetown a request was made to remove the initials of Our Lord Jesus Christ from above the stage where Obama would be speaking. Now the great "Catholic" Georgetown University was outraged and rescinded the President's invitation to speak, right? WRONG! Take another look at the picture. The blacked-out area above Obama's head is where Jesus' initials "IHS" were located. I can expect letters of thanks to be sent from Notre Dame to Georgetown for taking the heat off of them for a short time.

Let's lay out the facts here. In a very short period of time President Obama has waged nothing short of war against the unborn in this country and abroad. He is threatening to make Medical professionals and Hospitals opposed to abortion perform murder against their beliefs. For some reason "Catholic" Universities like Georgetown and Notre Dame seem to be worshipping at the altar of Obama. Think I'm being over-the-top? Maybe, but why is Notre Dame honoring him. Why is Georgetown removing God for him? I'll take answers to these questions if anyone has them. Leave a comment. Please explain it to me.

To Read an Article about this abomination click Here.

We are at a crossroads here. Catholics need to be Catholic! Catholic Universities need to be CATHOLIC! Pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit. Please join me this weekend on Divine Mercy Sunday in praying for this nation, the Church, and the World. We need God's mercy now, more than ever! AMDG

(Photo Courtesy Getty Images)