Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

As we enter into the celebration of Our Lord's Passion and Death please take a moment or two in prayer to contemplate the profound sacrifice that He made for all of our sins. In Humility God entered the world in the form of His creation, man. He lived among us with the intent, from the moment of His incarnation, to die for our sins. As the great Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen once said, "Christ's death on the cross cast a shadow backward through time on His whole life." He came to die for us all, not because He had to, because He wanted to. To redeem those who believe in Him. He died the death of a criminal. A death of humiliation and condemnation. He died the death that we earned from our sins.

Christ paid a debt He did NOT owe, because we owed and debt we could NOT pay!

God's blessings on all of you! AMDG