Saturday, February 14, 2009

One Truth

Truth is what it is, the Truth. Christ Himself spoke of the Truth when He said, "I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life; No one comes to the Father but by Me." This is a statement of Fact whether you believe it or not. This truth is objective not subjective. Truth is a Real Person and His name is Jesus Christ. You don't have to believe it but your lack of faith won't make it any less true. Abortion is intrinsically evil. The world will tell you otherwise but that doesn't make it any less true. Christ is Really, Truly, and Substantially Present in the Holy Eucharist. This is an undeniable Truth that is rejected daily by most, including some Catholics.

The point I'm trying to make is that God in His very essence is Truth, Love, Mercy, and Justice. Sin is real and we all commit it. God Loves Each and Every One of US! When we sin we show Him that we don't love Him. He never shows us this in return. His love never wanes and never fails. We must always REMEMBER THIS..........We are all Beloved Sons and Daughters of God the Father. We are Temple's of the Holy Spirit. Sin does not become us. We become sin of our own free will. Christ in His Mercy as Just judge and Redeemer longs to drive sin from our hearts as He drove the merchants and moneychangers from the Temple. He did this when He spread out His arms and died the most horrible death known to man. When we sin we cast that aside for our own selfish wants. Christ never casts us aside. He longs to save us from our own sin, to destroy our death and restore our life. We just have to let Him do it!

Christ's sacrifice of Himself was presented in time on Calvary 2000 years ago. God makes that sacrifice of Christ present on every altar in every Catholic Church through time and space. We are made to be really and truly present at the foot of the cross as real and true as Christ is present in the Eucharist, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Christ's death is not recreated at the Mass, it is re-presented (Made Present). Catholics do not re-sacrifice Jesus. We enter into the sacrifice of Calvary during every Mass. We killed Him with our sins, so we must be sanctified and redeemed by His loving sacrifice. Nowhere in the world is this truly present but in the Catholic Mass! Period! You want a time machine? Go to Mass. It will take you back 2000 years to be present at your redemption. Christ calls you, but will you come?